Hello again

Hi all,it’s been a very long time since I posted anything on my blog. With private life and doing quite a few tournaments for the last 6 to 7 months ,I haven’t had much time to sit down and do blogging. So I’ll do my best to try and remember what I’ve been up to with the tournaments and hobby. So first up back in November 2017 there is a big event called W.A.R in Reading. Where many miniature manufacturers go to show off their new toys and also many tournament events like SBG and 40K plus AOS and many more. The SBG the W.A.R of the ring Vol.2 which was put on by Dave Clubley was a team doubles events. I teamed up with my friend Ian and we both decided to use the evil force he had Harad myself Mordor. We were both new to using this force so you’re learning as we’re going along we did OK finish in mid table.

Next event was Into the West the local one for me put on by the King brothers in January. Think off the top of my head tournament was about 450pts as always I took my minas tirith. I came about mid table and also won best army. Sadly I forgot to take pictures.

A week after I did a one day event a Christmas special called Santa is a wizard too! Which was meant to happen in December but due to very bad whether it was cancelled. So the T.O Marc Kempster organised it’s the first weekend of February. He still kept it as a Christmas theme which he had competitions for best Christmas beard and jumper plus painted model. I played 4 games at this tournament. Two of which I remember very well because I never played them before. Dewi Evans Mahud force with camels. These guys may have a low defence but they’re fight and strength smash my force. Can’t remember the player name but he had a new force dol guldur. So that was a necromancer with a couple of the new ringwraiths as well. Very grindy long game I find eventually the best way to play against this force is not to kill the ringwraiths just have them bounce of your shields. And do your best trying to put as many wounds as possible on the necromancer. Think I came second from last maybe. I had minas tirith.

In March went to Beacons of Chester 2018 put on by Gethin Watkins. So at this event I want to do something slightly different I went evil played with Mordor & Angmar. I added more troops and mounted ringwraith to my previous evil that I took in November. I’m relatively new to using spell slingers but I don’t think I did a bad job using the ringwraith just got to remember to reposition properly after casting spells. This was a fun and enjoyable event I got to meet a lot more new players. Finished in the high mid table.

And just round the corner was a GW store and this was in the cabinet.

Last up is E.T.C put on by Dave Nolan ( YouTube channel dwellers in the dark) in April at Cardiff Firestorm games. I was part of Wales B team there are 4 players. So I had minas tirith with Gandalf the White. I managed to get two drawers and 4 losses. A lot of my games were very close. The team captain Luke Davies had high elves managed to get one win and a draw. Also Luke got best sporting well done mate well deserved. Sadly our other two members of the team lost all their games Aaron had Rohan with the lady of the light, Ian had isengard with Saruman. Wales A team finished mid table and Wales B team we finished rock bottom but we came out of it with a little trophy. This was the most competitive torment I’ve ever been to so far. I learnt so many new things from this event which I will always remember for upcoming events. And I’m pretty sure all the members of my team would say the same. All my opponents were great but there armies were filthy 😉.

Now I know a lot of this is a bit vague but it’s a lot to remember over the last few months. Over the next few months I’ll probably posting up a lot of hobby time because got some more events to be going to.

Many thanks dcminiaturepainting.

2 responses to “Hello again”

  1. Looks like a fun series of games. Your new Mordor models have come up a treat, and the close-up shots of games in action look really great as well.

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